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Pieter M Botha is an orthotic and prosthetic practice in Secunda. |
Centrally Located in Secunda
Whilst many people have some knowledge of what the field of Prosthetics entails, Orthotics is somewhat of a lesser known field in the broader scope of Orthopedics.
Our Prosthetic Services meet the needs of all amputees and their unique activity levels. We manufacture and fit state-of-the-art artificial limbs, covering all areas of the Prosthetics field, i.e. above-knee, below knee, through knee, through hip, upper limb prosthetics as well as prosthetic components.
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Join our group Amputee and Disabled South Africa on Facebook. |
Wat Ortose (Orthotics) betref, behandel ons probleme wat die pasient in sy of haar voete, enkels, kniee, heupe, arms, rug en rugwerwels of nek
ondervind. Ortose in die bree, is wanneer daar gebruikgemaak word van insetsels in skoene, spesiale skoene, stutte en ook soms
van doelgemaakte ortoses wat van plastiek of liggewigsamegestelde materiale vervaardig word.
We also supply compression hoisery, mobility aids (walkers, crutches, wheelchairs) as well as a selection of home nursing aids.
Soms ervaar 'n mens pyn of knaende ongerief waarvan die oorsprong vir die pasint onbekend is en in baie gevalle is die sondebok juis 'n probleem met
'n voet, jou nek of rug. Met die kundigheid en ervaring wat hierdie praktyk bied om dergelike probleme te identifiseer, kan meer
ingrypende prosedures en medikasies heel dikwels vermy word of onnodig wees op die kort- of langtermyn.
Pieter Botha spent many years studying and doing intensive research in the fields of Orthotics and Prosthetics, both in South Africa and abroad and is superbly qualified to diagnose and attend to all symptoms, problems and questions you may experience in this interesting and broad field.
Learn more about common conditions related to poor foot function, such as achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis,
metatarsalgia, Morton's neuroma and pronation / supination. Select the options below for more details.
The topics below provide the reader with a brief but interesting insight into a select few of the more commonly experienced fields in which the practice
of Pieter M Botha can be of assistance to you.
* Plantar Fasciitis (hakpyn) * Metatarsalgia * Morton's Neuroma * Achilles Tendonitis * Pronasie/Supinasie
Give us a call on 017 634 7086/7 or complete the contact us form with your details and requirements.
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Achilles Tendonitis
Morton's Neuroma
Plantar Fasciitis
Volgens die Griekse mitologie,
was Achilles 'n groot oorlogsheld. ..
A neuroma is a thickening of nerve tissue that may develop in various parts of the body.
Metatarsalgie verwys na pyn in die
voorvoet en word ervaar as 'n skerp steekpyn of 'n brandpyn wat
toeneem deur die dag..
Plantare fassiitis is een van die voetprobleme waaroor Ortotiese en Prostetiese praktisyns die meeste gekonsulteer word.
Pieter M Botha is an orthotic and prosthetic practice in Secunda.
Join our group Amputee and Disabled South Africa on Facebook.
Pieter Botha spent many years studying and doing intensive research in the fields of Orthotics and Prosthetics, both in South Africa and abroad